Aperture and Ghost Ring sights for Rugers, Winchesters and Marlins. The "One Hole" sight eliminates eye strain
and gives you the precision to hit faster and farther than a standard rear sight.
BFR (1,2) .............. $32.00
Handi-Rifle (1,2) ... $32.00
Ruger (1,2) ........... $32.00
Ruger SS (1,2) ...... $38.00
Winchester (2) .... $38.00
Marlin ................ $38.00
Marlin 2.0 (3) ...... $44.00
Note 1: BFR, Handi-Rifle, and Ruger all use the same blades, fit the models shown on their respective information pages, and all come in packages marked "Ruger".
Note 2: (For the BFR, Handi-Rifle, Ruger, and Winchester One Hole Sights, feel free to call us during regular business hours only (Eastern time zone), or place an order using the Buy Now button below, 24/7!)
Note 3: New and improved with a 25% larger aperture.
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