Testimonial Category: Eezox

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Read all about how much customers love Eezox products and the service that Warren Custom Outdoors provides them.

I recently ordered one of your MAG-SPARKs™ for my old CVA Bobcat muzzleloader after much debate about whether or not I should upgrade to an inline since it's been getting harder and harder to find No. 11 percussion caps locally. Just wanted to say thanks for an awesome product. I've been shooting Winchester 209 Triple 7 muzzleloading primers with Pyrodex RS 90 grains pushing a 250 grain aerolite powerbelt, and it's been turning heads. Ignition is so instant I can't tell the difference between shooting my CVA, and shooting my .30-06.


Recently, my Beretta 303 quit cycling after several rounds of sporting clays; the gas piston was extremely fouled. I thoroughly cleaned the gun with Eezox®. It cuts through the powder residue very well and dries to a hard non-sticky lubricating film. Oil and grease on the locking lug, bolt slide, and trigger previously collected abrasive powder residue. This meant wear and malfunctions necessitating more frequent cleaning. No oil and no grease on the bolt, gas piston, or trigger, only hard dry Eezox®, means nothing on which powder residue can begin to stick. After 1000 to 1200 rounds, there is no wear and no malfunctions and not much to clean.


I've been an avid user of Eezox® since Adam was in short pants, but can no longer get your stuff in my part of the world. I have been using Break-Free for the last six months or so, but the residue comes off far too easily on my hands leaving spots where rust can attack as well as making my sandwiches taste funny.


In my 47 years of Gunsmithing no product has impressed me as much as your Eezox®. During the course of my career, I have used every product known to mankind that was produced for the firearms industry, WD-40 (kerosene is cheaper), Teflon additives (messy, build up and gum up), the many so called "Miracle Products". I have tried and used them all. Admittedly some of these products will do a certain job well - like lubricating, external protection, as a powder solvent, etc., etc., but your Eezox®, unbelievably does it all. I have found that your product does everything you claim it will do and from my experience much, much more.

Mario R

After responding to your ad in "Police" magazine, I received a sample and tried it on my revolver. The results were amazing. I told my captain about it and showed him my revolver. He couldn't understand why the fingerprints wouldn't show up on the weapon. The test really came when I used Eezox® on my Ruger P-85. I was reluctant to try it on my P-85 because the frame is an aluminum alloy. Other types of "miracle solvents" claim to have a chemical reaction to aluminum, but not Eezox®. I tried it and was I surprised.


During the last 22 years I have been a full time firearms instructor for various police departments along the east coast from Rhode Island to Georgia. Three months ago I was introduced to Eezox® and I have used the product on numerous types of firearms from the very new to the very worn. The product has given me the same positive results as the claims of performance which are printed on the brochures and on the containers.


I am the armourer for our Police Department, and first tried Eezox® about a year ago during the annual inspection of the Department issue weapons, including rifles, shotguns and service revolvers. I admit I was skeptical of another "wonder" product that was supposed to "do it all". Eezox®, I found, did "do it all" and I was really impressed. However, this year during the inspection process, I was really amazed at how the build up of powder and lead fouling was so much more easily removed.


This is a great product. I can't begin to tell you how it is appreciated here, as the climate is so damp. Bobby Nance, my assistant gunsmith, has been using it for years on his muzzleloader firearms. He just won't use anything else. This stuff in the bore of a muzzleloader, after normal cleaning, will insure that NO rust will form inside or out. This stuff is the best and it deserves a BIG ATTA BOY!!


I am a boater and I run a 21' Cuddy. Find a better product than Eezox® around boats and I want it. Frozen bolts, cables, deck fittings, whatever. With a little patience and some Eezox®, your problems are over... ask my boating friends. Try it on corroded electrical contacts like radio connections, relays and electrical plugs and you will get the surprise of your life.


I would like to inform you of a use for Eezox® that I have tried. I live in Florida on the water and own a boat. The salt water and air is tough on my outboard engine, so I sprayed the engine block with a coating of Eezox® and for 3 months I had no corrosion on the metal. But before this I always had to brush and scrape rust off the block and repaint it. Now it still looks like new after using Eezox®.


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